Her journey in the world of calligraphy began in 2018, when it became her new hobby. She received training from Russian teachers and then expanded her skills by studying with foreign teachers. She has been a member of IAMPETH since 2019.

In 2020, Julia presented her book “Flourishing” to the Russian audience. From that moment on, her hobby turned into a professional activity. By popular demand, “Flourishing” was translated in to English in 2022 and got the name “Flourishing in Harmony and Balance”. She also developed her own Calligraphy Class “Flowers and Flourishes” (watercolor flowers in pointed pen calligraphy).
Julia generally writes in the Copperplate style, but also likes to add watercolor and gilding to her work. Since 2020, her works have been published in several foreign calligraphy books. She provides calligraphy services and regularly takes part in calligraphy exhibitions, conferences and as a teacher of calligraphy classes.
Julia is a professional calligrapher based in Northwest Arkansas. She was born in the Russian Far East, where she also studied at the Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok. At the end of 2023, Julia and her family moved to the USA.
Julia is a professional calligrapher based in Northwest Arkansas.
Calligraphy Class "Introduction to the pointed pen calligraphy" Tashkent, Uzbekistan
In the summer of 2023, at the Toyyiba Art School, everyone was able to get acquainted with calligraphy in the European style.
The Calligraphy Class united the culture and creativity of the two countries. This experience not only enriched the knowledge of each participant, but also created a unique mark on the history of Toyyiba Art School, filling the school with new ideas and impressions.
Calligraphy online conference "Quills-Wings" Moscow, Russia
The creator and presenter of the conference Andrei Sannikov, founder of the School of Historical Calligraphy, is a philologist and a teacher. Julia was invited to the "Quills-Wings" conference as a speaker, where she conducted a master class "Floral ornament in creative work."
American cursive. Instructor Certificate
In April 2023, Julia successfully completed training in Michael Sall's American Cursive program and received her instructor certificate, signed by Marie Hornback.
Exhibition "I Write as if I Breathe" Barnaul, Russia
In the spring of 2023, a personal exhibition “I Write as if I Breathe” by Olga Alekseenko was held, which presented the works of participants at the interregional and international level.
Olga has been professionally engaged in calligraphy since 2016, conducts offline training for adults in pointed pen calligraphy, writes in several calligraphy styles. She is a participant of exhibitions, author of lectures and calligraphy classes as a part of various creative biennales and projects.
To receive an invitation and to support Olga’s Authors Project was a rewarding experience.
Speedball, USA
In February 2023, the Speedball company invited Julia to make a series of posts and thereby take over the company’s account on Instagram for several weeks.
Many calligraphers are familiar with the Speedball company and its Hunt 22B and Hunt 101 pointed nibs. These are some of the most popular calligraphy nibs in the world and are among the many items in Speedball’s product line.
Exhibition "Black and Red. Graphics, calligraphy, ornament" Moscow, Russia
In the spring of 2023, an exhibition of contemporary artists was held in Moscow, where works of several disciplines were presented, such as botanical art, graphics, calligraphy and ornament.
Exhibition organizer: Association of Artists of Botanical Art. Curator: President of AKhBI Anna Aleshina
Первая выставка каллиграфии в Оренбурге. Экспозиция знакомит оренбуржцев с таким видом искусства как каллиграфия. На выставке представлены работы известных каллиграфов из разных городов (Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Краснодар, Оренбург, Киев, Владивосток и др.). Используя авторские техники и почерки, мастера продемонстрировали направления современного письма.
Exhibition "Ё-FEST" Moscow, Russia
In 2022, the lettering and calligraphy festival took place in Moscow. The event was attended by 1,500 young designers and artists who chose the “art of beautiful writing” for themselves.
At the "Ё-FEST", Julia presented her calligraphy artwork "Wind". The work was done using the pointillism technique, when many dots of different sizes form a whole image. The art work is based on Robert Louis Stevenson's poem "The Wind". The text of the poem is written in the Spencerian style.
Teaming up again with friends and fellow calligraphers, we created an album of our work for the conference.
The book "Handstyle Lettering: 20th Anniversary Edition" Victionary Publishing House, Hong Kong
In the summer of 2021, Julia received an offer from a publishing house from Hong Kong to participate in the creation of a book about calligraphy and lettering. This book was published in 2022, becoming a commemorative edition on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Victionary publishing house and was created in collaboration with Manuscript, bringing together under its cover the works of contemporary masters from around the world.
The book "Flourishing in Harmony and Balance"
After a year of work on the translation, the long-awaited release of the book in English took place. The English version was very well received by foreign audiences, which emphasized the importance and relevance of the information provided.
Positive reviews and excellent feedback from users confirmed the successful implementation of the material in a global context, noting its significant contribution to the development of interest in calligraphy among the English-speaking audience.
"Calligrafest". Conference. Exhibition. Museum. St. Petersburg, Russia
In the fall of 2022, the Fifth Anniversary Calligraphy and Lettering Festival Calligrafest took place in St. Petersburg. The festival program is always intense and includes a conference and an exhibition. The conference was presented by numerous speakers, among whom was Julia. She acted as a speaker at the festival, presenting a demo version of the Calligraphy Class "Watercolor Flowers and Flourishes"
Also, everyone had the opportunity to be selected in advance to participate in the exhibition. This time the exhibition took place not only offline, but also online at the festival museum. After the festival ended, many of the works were left for display at the Calligrafest Museum.
State Catalog of The Museum Collection of The Russian Federation
The calligraphic painting "Eleanor Pray: Mirror of the Past" embodied Julia's creative brilliance when she created this piece in early fall 2021. This work is based on the image of the monument to Eleanor Pray in Vladivostok historical downtown and the valuable texts of her letters to loved ones. In these messages, she vividly described life in Vladivostok, revealing the secrets of the city in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
Subsequently, the picture attracted the attention of the Museum of the History of the Far East named after V.K. Arsenyev. In 2022, the work was provided to the museum for preservation in its funds, which was recorded in the Russian Federation State Catalog. Thus, the calligraphy artwork “Eleanor Pray. Mirror of the Past” has become a part of the rich cultural Vladivostok heritage and history, conveying to us a unique view of the past through the art and words of an outstanding personality.
Первая выставка каллиграфии в Оренбурге. Экспозиция знакомит оренбуржцев с таким видом искусства как каллиграфия. На выставке представлены работы известных каллиграфов из разных городов (Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Краснодар, Оренбург, Киев, Владивосток и др.). Используя авторские техники и почерки, мастера продемонстрировали направления современного письма.
Since the summer of 2019, Julia has been a member of IAMPETH, the International Association of Masters Penmen, Engrossers, and Teachers of Handwriting based in the USA. Every year IAMPETH holds a calligraphy conference to which all members of the association are invited. The conference features live calligraphy classes and meetings of calligraphers from all over the world, as well as the opportunity to see original artworks of master penmen of the past.
For the 2020 conference, Julia took part in the creation of Scrapbook for IAMPETH. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the conference could not take place, and Scrapbook 2020 was presented only at the 2021 conference.
Exhibition "Live Line" Orenburg, Russia
In October 2021 the first exhibition of calligraphy in Orenburg turned out to be a unique event. The event featured works by famous calligraphers from different cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Orenburg, Kiev, Vladivostok and many others.
This event was the first experience for the city of Orenburg, and for Julia, whose artworks had been presented to the wide audience for the first time. She expresses gratitude to Dinara Tuisina for the organization and reverent attitude towards the creativity and works of all participants.
Первая выставка каллиграфии в Оренбурге. Экспозиция знакомит оренбуржцев с таким видом искусства как каллиграфия. На выставке представлены работы известных каллиграфов из разных городов (Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Краснодар, Оренбург, Киев, Владивосток и др.). Используя авторские техники и почерки, мастера продемонстрировали направления современного письма.
The book "The Calligraphy Ideas Book" by Lyndsey Gribble, UK
Lyndsey Gribble, a calligrapher from England, is the author of a book about calligraphy, in which she presented a huge number of works by her talented colleagues from all over the world. Julia's work is also included in this inspiring publication.
Lyndsey's book was not only a source of inspiration, but also a valuable resource with useful calligraphy tips. Its pages present more than eighty examples of works done in various styles.
The book "Flourishing" Copperplate style
In pointed pen calligraphy, we often see scatterings of air curls that decorate individual letters, words and texts. In the language of calligraphy, these elegant curls are called flourishes, and like magic, they captivate the eyes of not only novice calligraphers, but also professional masters.
The flourishing is a complex area that requires in-depth study, while high-quality and accessible materials on this issue are practically absent. In 2020 Julia published the book “Flourishing” in which the author laid out in detail and easily all the necessary information how to create beautiful letters.
Первая выставка каллиграфии в Оренбурге. Экспозиция знакомит оренбуржцев с таким видом искусства как каллиграфия. На выставке представлены работы известных каллиграфов из разных городов (Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Краснодар, Оренбург, Киев, Владивосток и др.). Используя авторские техники и почерки, мастера продемонстрировали направления современного письма.
Project: CD "Carnival" Karen GOMYO Ismo ESKELINEN
The front page calligraphy by Julia Razzhigaeva.